Our office in Marseille

Cambacérès Avocat, law firm in Marseille since 2022


The cardinal virtues of CAMBACERES AVOCAT are its ability to listen, its availability and its responsiveness, both in terms of advice and in terms of litigation, giving priority to alternative methods of resolving disputes and conflicts through conciliation, mediation and arbitration.

For some years now, all eyes have been focused on the city of Marseille, France’s second largest city, for which the French government, through its President, has decided on a massive investment plan to accompany and support the development of the city and its region, cruelly forgotten by history for some thirty years.

In this necessary re-emergence of the city of Marseille, its neighbouring towns and, more generally, its metropolitan area, CAMBACERES AVOCAT wishes to make its contribution not only to businesses and individuals, but also to the legal profession and the Marseille Bar Association, with a dedicated local team that respects traditions.

Cambacérès Avocat, law firm in Marseille since 2022


Cambacérès Avocat à Marseille

+33 (0) 4 86 01 30 90


26, rue Grignan

13001 Marseille